
The SDT ULTRAChecker is an ultrasound solution designed to use the complete spectrum of both airborne and structure-borne 2nd generation ultrasound sensors. FREE SHIPPING*

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The SDT ULTRAChecker is an ultrasound solution designed to utilize the complete spectrum of both airborne and structure-borne second-generation ultrasound sensors.


Ease of use is at the core of the ULTRAChecker’s design. It features an intuitive, four-button keypad that simplifies operation, ensuring that even users with minimal training can effectively utilize the device. The clear, color display provides immediate feedback on all adjustments, making the detection process straightforward and efficient. Additionally, users can effortlessly increase or decrease signal amplification while maintaining safe listening levels through volume-controlled headphones, enhancing the overall user experience.


The SDT ULTRAChecker excels in all ultrasound applications, whether airborne or structure-borne. It is compatible with any SDT second-generation ultrasound sensor, making it a versatile tool for various inspection needs. This device ensures end-to-end reliability by addressing the eight fundamental pillars of ultrasound applications, providing a comprehensive solution for maintenance and diagnostic tasks.


The ULTRAChecker is designed to be an economical solution without compromising on quality. It is capable of detecting a wide range of issues, including air leaks, over-greased bearings, failed steam traps, electrical faults, and passing valves. Built with the high standards of SDT quality, this device is offered at a price point that is affordable, ensuring that organizations of all sizes can benefit from its advanced features. The ULTRAChecker provides exceptional value, helping you maintain equipment reliability while managing costs effectively.

The Ultrachecker system includes:

  • SDT Ultrachecker receiver
  • RS2T threaded contact sensor
  • Coiled cable for sensor, Lemo to Lemo
  • Magnetic base, multi-surface
  • 5.24″ needle extension
  • Ultrasense airborne sensor, 16mm sensor
  • Neckband headphones
  • USB cable
  • SDT915 carrying case.
  • Screwdriver for battery cover


*FREE ground shipping in the continental US.

SDT340 Ultrasound tool(Opens in a new browser tab)



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